Be the Celestial of your life

Life has its up and downs. It is hard, or it is easy. How it flows depends of how you believe. I believe life is how you make it. How we make is falls heavily on how we believe. If we believe we mean little in life, little will we achieve. If we believe we are as great an icon as we make ourselves, there is little holding us back. What we tell our minds is what our minds make real.

NO. I am not a motivational specialist. In fact, I too am struggling with life's adversities. I have this feeling of a stationary target that life can easily HIT. Whatever adversity is encountered, another scar is created. I know I have free-will, but no defense for life's complications. Life is a weight  heavier that the heaviest weight lifted at the gym. Yeah, life is hard. However, through yoga classes, some motivational videos, books I have read and a recent event that happened, my form of thinking was not the usual, "crap, I suck" message.

In stead, I am forcing myself to think, "what to do differently next time". In otherwords, if I did not succeed this time, what must I do differently next time? Whenever something does not go as planned, ask the brain and your emotions, what can I be done better. Make the subconscious mind look for methods to make a similar event obtain a better outcome. Rather than asking it how worthless I am, I started asking it, "was there another way of doing it? If so, how"?

I started changing my thinking style by studying personal development specialists. Here is a sample material created by several personal development specialists.
