Close range boxing

I have been following Coach Anthony's youtube videos for some time seeking knowledge to improve my boxing skills. Boxing is such a good discipline. Keeps you in shape, for one, and keeps you sharp. Sharp enough to know what you can do and what you can get away with. However boxing has started to become a ritual for me as having that fresh cup of coffee in the morning. I not only use it to stay in shape, for self-defense but to improve my critical thinking skills. 

In this video Coach Anthony explains some of the benefits of close-range boxing. Close-range boxing simply means fighting up-close to your opponent. Get inside the strike-zone and deliver punishment. Up-close combat is one of my favorite challenges because its gritty. Both fighters are holding nothing back putting it all on the line. Naturally the fighters want to keep a distance to protect themselves from strikes. Just like in everyday life, humans want to avoid harmful situations. Sometimes, the only way out is to go forward. 

Keeping a distance is natural in a fight, but it's a fight and someone has to win. The only way to tag your opponent without long-range weapons is to get close to them. With this tactic you force your opponent to defend their vital parts and expose yours if not careful. When they are in this position, they may overlook some critical areas that only the aggressor sees. This is why fighting in a retreating stance is never recommended. You have to get into the fight. Move forward, advance, gain ground. Stay neutral, nothing progresses. Enjoy the video.


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